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Climate Change & Health Resources

Want to know the basics of climate change or go into the details? This section includes resources on climate change including organizations, journals and publications.

An academic journal about how health and people's welfare are impacted by climate change. Articles feature broad-based analyses, research on specific climate impacts & health consequences, and theoretical frameworks. Papers also highlight existing and proposed solutions being created in health care practice, education, and society.

Established by SOA founder, Marcalee Alexander, MD, who also serves as editor-in-chief.

Organizations and Rightsholders

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health

Focus is on mobilizing and empowering health professionals to make health and equity central to climate change action

Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education

Their mission is to create a global climate-ready health sector to lead health promotion and response in the era of climate change through education

The Global Climate & Health Alliance

An alliance of health organizations from around the world working to tackle climate change and to protect and promote public health

Climate for Health

National initiative led by a network of health leaders that offers tools, resources, and communication to empower health leaders to speak about and advocate for climate solutions

European Climate and Health Observatory

Provides a wide range of publications, tools, websites, and other resources related to climate change and human health

Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

UK based organization that engages healthcare professionals, patients, and the wider community to understand the connection between health and the environment to aid in reducing healthcare’s resource footprint

Health Care Without Harm

This organization seeks to transform health care to reduce its environmental footprint, create a community for sustainability, and a leader for environmental health and justice

Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health: Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment (C-CHANGE)

Their mission is to provide solutions-based research, education, and outreach to shape climate actions

UCSF Center for Climate, Health and Equity

University of California San Francisco aims to drive climate action through research, education, policy, and health system sustainability

Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment (ANHE)

National nursing organization focused on the intersection of health and the environment

Environmental Physiotherapy Association

International community focused on exploring and advancing the field of environmental physiotherapy

Occupational Therapists for Environmental Action

OTEA is raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on human health, wellness, and participation in meaningful occupations


Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change

Tracks the connections between public health and climate change

Pan-American Health Organization. Snapshot: Health and Climate Change in the Americas

Information about the health and climate agenda, strengthening climate resilient health systems, and learning resources

CDC: Climate Effects on Health

Information on the health impacts, regional health effects in the U.S., and other learning resources

World Health Organization (WHO): Climate Change and Health

Information provided on key facts, response efforts, fact sheets, and other learning resources

American Public Health Association (APHA): Climate Change

Highlights of action steps APHA has taken and learning resources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Climate Change Indicators

Information related to the connection between climate change and human health

climate psychiatry alliance

Resources and toolkits available on coping with extreme heat, climate distress, air pollution, and more

Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education: Resource Library

Climate resources for health education consisting of slides, case studies, and implementation guides

Courses and Resources

World Health Organization: Trainings and educational material

Training manuals and educational materials on a wide range of topics related to climate change and human health

European Climate and Health Responders Course

Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education created a 10-week course; February 6th - April 9th, 2024

Climate and Health Responder Course for Health Professionals

Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education created an 8-week course with pre-recordings, slides, and resources. (2022)

Human Health and Climate Change

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (unitar), created a 2 day, free course on the topics of environment, climate change, and local development

HarvardX: The Health Effects of Climate Change

HarvardX created a 7-week, free course through the edX platform

Adapting Health Systems to Protect Children from the Impact of Climate Change Series

Child Health Task Force created a 9-session course with recordings, slides, and additional resources available

How Will Climate Change Affect Our Health

Cambridge University created an hour-long presentation available on YouTube

How Climate Change Affects Your Mental Health

Wray, B. (2019, September 20). How climate change affects your mental health. TED.

The link between climate change, health, and poverty

Holder, C. (2020, June 3). The link between climate change, health and poverty. TEDMED.

Solutions Spotlight: Novel Technology to Improve Disease Control Cost-Effectiveness

Sarkar, K. (2023, March 16). Solutions spotlight: Novel technology to improve disease control cost-effectiveness. Malaria No More.

Climate & Health Justice Workshop

Deivanayagam, A., & Romanello, M. (2023, June 5). Climate & Health Justice Research Discussion. YouTube.

Climate Change Toolkit for Health Professionals

Perrotta, Kim. Editor. Climate Change Toolkit for Health Professionals. Produced by the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE). April 2019

WFOT Learning: Resettling Climate Migrants & Disaster Management

World Federation of Occupational Therapists online learning platform with courses available on resettling climate migrants, working with displaced persons, and disaster management

Climate Fresk

Workshop available in several languages and locations across the globe to learn about the fundamental science behind climate change and how to empower yourself to take action

Journals & Publications

The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: a Scientific Assessment

USGCRP, 2016: The impacts of climate change on human health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. Crimmins, A., J. Balbus, J.L. Gamble, C.B. Beard, J.E. Bell, D. Dodgen, R.J. Eisen, N. Fann, M.D. Hawkins, S.C. Herring, L. Jantarasami, D.M. Mills, S. Saha, M.C. Sarofim, J. Trtanj, and L. Ziska, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 312 pp.

The Impact of Climate Change on Our Health and Health Systems

Shanoor Seervai, Lovisa Gustafsson, and Melinda K. Abrams, The impact of climate change on our health and health systems,” explainer, Commonwealth Fund, May 2022.

Getting to a Greener, Healthier World by 2030: Solutions from Healthcare Professionals.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health. Volume 4 (2021)

Strengthening Health Resilience to Climate Change

Watts, N., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Maiero, M., Montoya, L. F., & Lao, K. (2015). (rep.). Strengthening Health Resilience to Climate Change: Technical Briefing for the World Health Organization (pp. 1–24).

Health Risks Due To Climate Change: Inequality in Causes and Consequences

Ebi, K. L., & Hess, J. J. (2020). Health risks due to climate change: Inequity in causes and consequences. Health Affairs, 39(12), 2056–2062.

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Our mission is to educate and bring together people around the world in community to conquer climate change and promote environmental justice, health, & quality of life.

© 2022 Sustain Our Abilities. Proudly designed by Evie Foster Creative.

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